[X4U] Replacement for Eudora

Neil Laubenthal neil at laubenthal.net
Wed Jul 27 06:04:45 PDT 2011

You should at least give Mail a try to see if it meets your needs. That's what I switched too from Eudora. Everything imported except my filter rules . . .which had to be recreated, which was a bit of a pain.

On Jul 27, 2011, at 12:29 AM, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> Even though I won't even consider moving to Lion for a few months, I decided it's past time I take a serious look at the replacements for Eudora.  There are two that I'm aware of, Eudora OSE (basically Thunderbird), and Mailforge.

There are only three kinds of stress; your basic nuclear stress, cooking stress, and A$$hole stress. The key to their relationship is Jello.


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