On 6/25/11, Paul Moortgat <paul.moortgat at pandora.be> wrote: > > Isn't there a method to give me the name Picture back in 10.6 when I take >acom-shift-4? > I don't like Screen Shot with a date. In Snow Leopard, the format's set in: /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/Localizable.strings in this section. /* Format screencapture file names */ "%@ %@ at %@" = "%1$@ %2$@ at %3$@"; Between the quotes on the right side of theequals sign is the date and time section. Just edit it, using something like TextEdit, to something like this: /* Format screencapture file names */ "%@ %@ at %@" = "Picture"; Make sure to not leave it empty! Using the above example, the first screen shot file will be named Picture, and then Picture 1, Picture 2, etc. BTW, there aren't any guarantees, so dabbling within the system's innards requires that you take all responsibily for your actions.