[X4U] No PowerPC Apps Will Run Under Lion!

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Tue Mar 1 07:26:00 PST 2011

At 12:00 AM -0800 3/1/11, Randy B. Singer wrote:
>On Feb 28, 2011, at 8:43 PM, Zane H. Healy wrote:
>>I have basically all accounts except this one going through 
>>mail.app, and it can't handle the load.  I cratered it with just 
>>keeping an eye on a couple System accounts on servers.
>Unless you are running a version of Mail prior to the version that 
>came with OS X 10.4, I find that hard to believe.  (Prior to OS X 
>10.4, Mail used a monolithic database.  As of OS X 10.4, Mail was 
>redesigned and drastically improved.)  I use Mail, and get a ton of 
>mail each day, sorted into 32 different folders, and haven't had a 
>hiccup.  You might find Mail a bit more reliable if you occasionally 

That was with 10.4, which I stayed on, on my Dual 2Ghz G5 PowerMac 
until I replaced it with my current model 8-core Mac Pro.  I just 
tried it now on my Mac Pro, and the one mail box with over 10k 
messages that would choke it up

>I can give you a very nice list of alternatives to ClarisDraw, if you like.

I believe you and others on this list have tried in the past to get 
me off of ClarisDraw.  At this point I'm more likely to simply use a 
pen & paper and scan it.  OTOH, if you or anyone else has tips in 
making Adobe Illustrator behave like ClarisDraw, I'd love to hear 

Realistically now that I'm on a current version of the OS, I should 
probably try out a couple CAD apps.  I tend to suspect they'll work 
better for me than any drawing apps.

>I can give you a list of alternative Web site creation tools also, 
>if you like.  But I don't think anything can beat:
>KOMPOZER (free and open source)
>I can give you the links to a bunch of free Kompozer tutorials and 
>training videos.

Thanks, but I'm determined to learn Dreamweaver CS5, and so far doing 
okay at that.  I'm inclined to say I'm doing better than I did with 
CS3, and far better than I ever did with GoLive.

I have Creative Suite Premium, so it makes since to try and use 
Illustrator and Dreamweaver for things if at all possible.


| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at aracnet.com              | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
|                                  | Photographer               |
|                     My flickr Photostream                     |
|          http://www.flickr.com/photos/33848088@N03/           |

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