On 6 Apr 2012, at 05:50, Randy B. Singer wrote: > > There is a new Trojan Horse going around that is quite nasty, called Flashback. > > Article: Mac Flashback Trojan: Find Out If You’re One of the 600,000 Infected > <http://gizmodo.com/5899352/mac-flashback-trojan-find-out-if-youre-one-of-the-600000-infected> > This article will tell you how to find out if you are already infected by the Flashback Trojan, and it tells where to go to find instructions on how to eliminate this malware if you are. > (Don't be too upset by the title of that article. I've yet to hear a single firsthand account of someone being infected by Flashback.) > > Apple has already pushed out an update to Java that includes a patch to make your Mac immune to Flashback. > Once you either find out that you aren't infected with Flashback, or you find out that you are infected with Flashback and you eliminate it, it would be a very good idea to go ahead and update Java to acquire immunity to Flashback. > <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5228?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US> > > Java, by the way, is a programming language that is used for applications and advanced features on Web sites. It's use has become very rare. If you think that it is unlikely that you even have a need for Java, it is possible to completely disable Java so that it can be totally eliminated as a vector of malware infection on your computer.: > <http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-57408841-263/how-to-check-for-and-disable-java-in-os-x/> > > May be worth pointing out that Java is not installed by default with Lion; you have to actually download and install it manually so if you're running Lion and haven't done that then there is no need to worry. John