[X4U] I want my old Leopard scroll bars back!

Conlon Brett brettnlis at bigpond.com
Fri Aug 3 22:20:28 PDT 2012

Hiya David,

I think Apple is encouraging people to think differently, to be more with the current times. Manually scrolling a window using the click arrows is so yesterday ;-D

The more efficient way to scroll is to simply use the scroll wheel and if you have a magic mouse then it's even easier.

Just a thought...



On 03/08/2012, at 11:57 AM, Crandon David wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Have any third party developers come out with a utility that will change the scroll bars back to Snow Leopards larger, wider bars that have arrows?
> Am I the only person who finds the narrow hard to see bars in the currant OS to be extremely annoying and harder to find and click on than the previous ones?
> Thanks everyone!
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