>>... Are there any authoritative estimates of how large I should >>make [a] Snow Leopard partition? .... Neil Laubenthal replied: >I just made a Parallels virtual machine for Snow Leopard. Yes, it is >technically against the EULA and yes it does require a small bit of >well documented on the Internet trickery to make it work and >properly look for software updates. I don't recommend violating the >EULA unless one is comfortable with it, but given that you are >allowed to virtualized Lion server and non-server as well as server >only for earlier versions it's hard to believe they really care >about SL non-server. My concern about using Parallels is that it's conceivable that Apple, in a fit of pique, might add something to a Mac OS X 10.8.x version that detects and cripples such a scheme. Or Apple may require Parallels to remove the capability altogether, just as they did with Fusion. Also, I'm not particularly excited about a technique that involves "a small bit of... trickery"; one false step and the result might be very unpleasant. :-) >I made my virtual disk 10 GB and it only has the OS and those apps >that won't run on Lion. Since my list of apps might not be the same as yours, do you have a feel for the size that the OS alone requires? Wondrin', john