[X4U] Slide scanner

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Mon Feb 11 07:58:18 PST 2013

At 4:37 PM +0100 2/11/13, Paul Moortgat wrote:
>What's a good slide scanner for 10.6?  I want to buy a new one.

If you want to buy a *new* *slide* scanner for 35mm then Plustek is 
the only real option.  Actually there the only realistic option for a 
*slide* scanner for 120 as well, but I'd be inclined to recommend an 
Epson V700/V750-M flatbed scanner.  Sadly Nikon dropped out of the 
market a little over 2 years ago.  The Plustek OpticFilm 120 is a 
brand-new scanner, and I'm not sure how well it works (it's their 
first 120 scanner).

If you don't require a slide/film scanner, and can make due with a 
flatbed, take a look at Epson.  The V700/V750-M are the best, though 
quite expensive.

If you have an existing scanner, and are replacing it because the 
saftware no longer works, take a look at VueScan.  I use a Nikon 
CoolScan IV ED, and an Epson 2450, both of which are too old to be 
supported by their vendors.


| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at aracnet.com              | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
|                                  | Photographer               |
|                     My flickr Photostream                     |
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|                    My Photography Website                     |
|               http://www.zanesphotography.com                 |

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