[X4U] Amassing a collection of SD cards...

Jens Selvig lstnmt at bresnan.net
Mon Feb 25 07:02:41 PST 2013

I use a card wallet, some card wallets are pretty small, but I have Compact Flash cards also, so I keep my wallet in my camera bag. I number the cards and use them in order, so I can keep track of the cards better.


On Feb 24, 2013, at 11:26 PM, lazilicata at gmail.com wrote:

> Dear list,
> As the subj line implies, I am starting to have a bunch of these cards that I use on a regular basis.
> They are small, and of course, one or two have already gotten away from me.
> They can drop into hiding places I did NOT even know existed.
> So, is anyone willing to share how they manage theirs that might help me manage mine?
> Thanks
> Lee

Jens Selvig
...Lost in Montana...

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