[X4U] iTunes 11.1 Incredibly BAD "feature"

Cat catsoul at thinkplan.org
Fri Sep 20 14:23:06 PDT 2013

On 9/20/13 2:19 PM, Clifford Readout wrote:
> When the update is completed, iTunes will now show EVERY ***available***
> episode of EVERY Podcast to which you are subscribed.  It does not matter if
> you had downloaded them, listened/watched them and deleted them. This totals
> more than 1300 items in the Podcasts to which I am subscribed.  (Yes, more
> than one thousand three hundred!)
> BUT, even worse, you cannot delete any of them without (supposedly)
> downloading them again and listening/watching them all again.

they call it a feature, eh? what did they get a hold of some bad likker?

sounds like a nightmare..thanks for the heads up.

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