Dear All, I became addicted to the AppleScripts that Apple provided in some update a long time and now, in version 10.9.1, some of them no longer work. The scripts that I use frequently and no longer work include “Trim File Names” and “Add to File Names” among others. (Both of these have options to perform their intended actions on either the end or the beginning of the file name) I am also not smart enough to write new scripts. I have tried to write an automated program to do like they do, and … taadaa! failed miserably. I do NOT know enough about AppleScripts on how to fix them, and I was hoping someone has already fixed these and is will to share, or knows how to fix them, or (I am told) still has a version of 10.6 around and supposedly, the scripts in that version work with 10.9.1. Maybe someone knows where there are working scripts I can get from the internet? (I did google these but came up empty. Thanks in advance Lee Kusadasi Turkey