[X4U] Snow Lep to Mavericks? iTunes and iPhoto

Jesse D. Leo jesse at jesseleo.com
Tue Mar 25 06:28:40 PDT 2014

Hi, thanks for the response.  I wasn't sure if this would work, I was 
always under the impression that for itunes and iphoto to work properly, 
it had to "see" the files and import/index them - just dragging the old 
libraries into the right directories wouldn't necessarily work. I hope 
I'm wrong though, that would indeed be very easy!


On 03/24/2014 05:11 PM, Christopher Collins wrote:
> Pull the HDD from your MBP, connect it via USB3 & drag your music &
> photo libraries across to the correct folders.
> Simple & quick.
> cjc
> On 25 Mar 2014, at 7:55 am, Jesse D. Leo <jesse at jesseleo.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> So our old Macbook Pro (2009?) is finally on its last legs. Multiple 
>> hardware issues make me think it's not gonna be worth saving. The good 
>> news is that the hard drive is still in working condition, and I have 
>> recent Time Machine backups.
>> If we get a new Mac I assume it will be running Mavericks. So this is 
>> kind of a noob question, but what would be the best way to get the 
>> iPhoto and iTunes libraries moved over? Our entire lives are in there.
>> iCloud is the first thing that comes to mind, and for relatively 
>> recent music purchases that will do the job. But we have a TON of 
>> older stuff that has not been iclouded. And then there are the photos 
>> and movies...
>> Time Machine restore? Would that even work, given how old Snow Leopard 
>> is (I assume Mavericks has newer versions of both programs)?
>> Any suggestions you guys have would be great.
>> Thanks,
>> Jesse

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