[BTM] Belkin Bluetooth adapter for $12

Stephen Jonke sjj_public at mac.com
Fri Apr 18 10:05:36 PDT 2003

On Friday, April 18, 2003, at 12:42  PM, gjg at mac.com wrote:
> Does this adapter work w/ OS 10.2.5?  It appears to be sold out now.  
> I bought the Belkin Bluetooth PC Card and have not able to get it to 
> work.  Is it because it is a PC card or are there drivers out there to 
> make it work.  I appreciate any help getting this out of the box and 
> working in my machine.

PC Card bluetooth adapters are not (yet?) supported be OS X's built-in 
Bluetooth support. Only option is USB adapters, at least at the moment.

As far as I know, any USB-bluetooth adapter should work fine with OS X 
10.2.x. I have the D-Link one. It works fine, but I find that sometimes 
I have to unplug it and replug it back in to make a connection to my 
Palm Tungsten T after having made a previous connection. I don't know 
if it's a problem with the adapter, with Apple's software, with the 
Tungsten T or all the above. It may even simply be flaws in Bluetooth 
itself - I get the feeling that bluetooth is a bit of a hack job. 
Still, it can be pretty cool anyway.


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