[BTM] Best Bluetooth Phone

KOZAK Imre Oliver ki023 at hszk.bme.hu
Tue Mar 18 15:45:58 PST 2003

This is the point: the 6310i is not supported by iSync (or any Nokia 
phone, what is more, any phone except the Ericsson R520, T68, T39).

This is why I must use a T68 (against my original wish, but now I don't 
care, it's a phone, it works, no more problem)

Beaming via infrared works, because the Nokia also uses the IrMC 
standard for beaming, and the Palm, too. However, for complete sync 
(not just beaming), Nokia uses a proprietary protocol.

Anyway, the T68+Tungsten(either bluetooth or cable)+iSync works, but I 
had no time to test its quality. One drawback of the tungsten and the 
t68 is that they can hold only one category, so your multi coloured 
iCal becames plain blue or something...


On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 02:05  PM, Bluetooth-Mac wrote:

> Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 08:58:01 -0500
> Subject: Re: [BTM] Best Bluetooth Phone
> From: Gary Mark <gmark at cogeco.ca>
> Message-Id: <77B48AB8-5880-11D7-B242-00039303EF04 at cogeco.ca>
>> ...I mean snail mail addresses, with zip, street, city and country... 
>> I
>> need a Tungsten T for that. However, the Nokia 6310i was able to hold
>> all my contact details.
> Were you able to use iSync with your 6310i and sync over Bluetooth with
> both you Palm Tungsten and your mac (Palm Desktop 4.0)?
> I have been simply beaming via infrared the most needed phone numbers
> and addresses to my 6310i from my Palm.  You are correct that Nokia
> stores EVERYTHING, including notes on each Palm address entry.

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