Clicker and P800 (was [BTM] T68i, Jabra, & Mac OS X Address Book...)

Martim Weinstein emdub at
Fri Mar 28 08:41:28 PST 2003

Followed your instructions with no problems. Seems to be ok, but I 
can't find the accessories menu on the P800!! Where is it? It's driving 
me nuts!


I'm still an atheist, thank God.

On Sexta, Mar 28, 2003, at 12:26 Europe/Lisbon, Jonas Salling wrote:

> Here's how to configure Clicker to use a service that will work on the 
> P800. It also allows for simultaneous operation with Address Book:
> 1. Quit System Preferences
> 2. Kill the "Sony Ericsson Clicker Helper" application. Use the
> Process Viewer to do this.
> 3. In the terminal, write:
> defaults write com.salling.SonyEricssonClickerHelper ServiceUUID
> "0000110300001000800000805f9b34fb"
> (all on one line)
> 4. Launch System Prefs and activate the Clicker pane to restart the 
> helper
> app.
> To go back to the old behavior, replace step 3 with:
> defaults remove com.salling.SonyEricssonClickerHelper ServiceUUID
> (again, all on one line)
> Please be aware that the bluetooth serial drivers hooked up to the 
> Dial-up
> Network service of the phone will crash the machine if SEC is active 
> when
> using them (from, say Internet Connect or any other serial-port app). 
> This
> seems to be an issue in OS X 10.2.4 (10.2.5 doesn't have this problem).
> Cheers,
> Jonas
> PS. This trick won't be necessary in the next version of Clicker.
> On fredag, mar 28, 2003, at 13:21 Europe/Stockholm, Martim Weinstein 
> wrote:
>> I have a P800 and can't get the clicker to work... any more info on 
>> this?
>> The P800 doesn't yet work with iSync or the address book to dial and 
>> send sms. I hope this will come soon. Otherwise it works perfectly 
>> with my HBH-30 headset.
>> -mw
>> Okay, and which one is the fatherboard?

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