[BTM] Bizarre: GPRS Cingular Mailinglists and Eudora

Mike D. md at xochi.com
Sat Mar 29 08:01:17 PST 2003

>Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 13:04:10 +0000
>Subject: Re: [BTM] Bizarre: GPRS Cingular Mailinglists and Eudora
>From: peter ashworth <aaaashy at blueyonder.co.uk>
>Message-Id: <EEE8028D-61E6-11D7-BB14-000393C617FE at blueyonder.co.uk>
>On Friday, Mar 28, 2003, at 18:31 Europe/London, Mike D. wrote:
>>  This one has me stumped.  While checking email via a pop server, if
>  > I'm connected via GPRS/ bluetooth on Cingular, my email mailing lists
>  > (that I'm subscribed to in Digest mode) come through as a ".cab" file.
>a .cab file is a "compressed cabinet file", a Microsoft installation

I'm now back on a landline, and my email digests are coming through 
again.  It appears that when I'm using Cingular GPRS, any <long> 
email gets turned into a ".cab" file.  I'm suspecting that Cingular 
must be using a proxy server which is compressing these files... 
Really annoying.

My next experiment will be to use SSL to check my email, which should 
be immune from proxies.

BTW, does anyone know what Cingular's GPRS roaming rate is in Canada 
(for California customers)?

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