[BTM] Using Sendfile to bluetooth Device is a drag.

Bruce Gerson bruce_gerson at mac.com
Mon Feb 23 06:30:55 PST 2004

On Feb 23, 2004, at 3:36 AM, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> I was wondering if anybody knew how to create an applescript droplet 
> that would allow you to drag the thing or things you want sending to 
> your bluetooth device instead of having to select the thing (because 
> multiple items aren't supported) in Finder and then going all the way 
> up to AppMenu->Services->Sendfile to bluetooth device.

On the rare instances that I actually have to do that, I put the files 
I want to send in a folder, select Shift-Command-B on the keyboard, 
navigate to the folder I created, Command-Click the files I want to 
send and click the Send button.


Bruce Gerson						iChat/AIM:  bgerson

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