[P1] 17" Laptops

Rob Nienburg rnienburg at bigplanet.com
Thu Jan 1 02:15:52 PST 1970

My god.

This argument is older than dirt.  Do you really have to fill my inbox 
with your pointless bickering?  use what you use, and shutup about it.  
I think the pc/mac argument is up there with religion and politics.  So 
please, give it a rest already.

On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 10:39 PM, Brian Pearce wrote:

>> Everyone has a story like this... The *only* reason Macs are not more 
>> widespread is people don't believe what we say about the Macs... when 
>> people like whoever it was here say things that may be interpreted as 
>> 'Macs have as many problems as PCs'... well, they are engaged in 
>> FUD... and people buy another PC...
> Oh, come on now; have you ever read the reader reports on Macintouch 
> or MacFixit? The fact of the matter is that there's *plenty* that can 
> go wrong and cause frustration for the individual user on either 
> platform.
> (And not everyone has thoise experiences. It took me more time to 
> configure a WiFi card on my wife's Dell laptop, from her employer, 
> than it did for my iBook, and I find the interface is confusing 
> because I'm not as familiar with it, but the process went smoothly and 
> the installation was a success.)
> There are many, many reasons that Apple only hold a small share of the 
> larger PC market, but I doubt this is one of them.
> BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net
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