[P1] hard drive upgrade?

Michael S. Roels msrwerks at ev1.net
Mon Dec 2 19:16:51 PST 2002

I have done this in the 500mhz ibook (the first non clamshell ibook)

It was about as intense as a 2400c disassembly to change processors. It
really is not hard, just time consuming, and lots of parts and screws to
keep up with.

My ibook is out of warranty as I did not purchase applecare. It is also not
my main computer. I had little to lose if I got it all back together and it
did not boot for some unknown reason.

I installed a 40gb ibm fluid bearing drive.

I used these instructions...

On 12/3/02 9:03 PM, "Chris Volpe" <absinthe02 at attbi.com> pecked this out:

> Greetings iBook listers!
> Since the question of upgrading hard drives in older 'Books has come
> up, I wonder if anyone has any experience with doing that on the newer
> (non-clamshell) models. All I've seen on the Web has suggested that
> it's not an end-user upgrade as far as Apple is concerned. But can
> anyone point me toward info on swapping in a fatter drive in the newer
> 'Books (I have an 800)?
> Thanks for any info, warnings, scoldings, inspirations, etc.
> Chris

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