> Well, I have two problems that are really annoying me. First, the > little light around where the AC adapter plugs into my iBook (600MHz) > fails to light up amber when charging. It works fine (as in it > charges the battery), and has been like this for a few months (Apple's > support blew me off about it), and I've had no troubles, but is this > something I should lose sleep over? Try resetting the Power Manager, and perhaps also zapping the PRAM. http://docs.info.apple.com/ article.html?artnum=14449&SaveKCWindowURL=http%3A%2F%2Fkbase.info.apple. com%2Fcgi- bin%2FWebObjects%2Fkbase.woa%2Fwa%2FSaveKCToHomePage&searchMode=Assisted &kbhost=kbase.info.apple.com&showButton=false&randomValue=100&showSurvey =false&sessionID=anonymous|159497807 http://docs.info.apple.com/ article.html?artnum=2238&SaveKCWindowURL=http%3A%2F%2Fkbase.info.apple.c om%2Fcgi- bin%2FWebObjects%2Fkbase.woa%2Fwa%2FSaveKCToHomePage&searchMode=Assisted &kbhost=kbase.info.apple.com&showButton=false&randomValue=100&showSurvey =false&sessionID=anonymous|159497807 --Basil Bourque