iBook, iSynch & Palm

Sarah E.Garrison sallybet at chartermi.net
Tue Dec 10 09:42:59 PST 2002

> From: Andrew Nye <andrew at nye.tc>
> Decided (on impulse) to take up Aple's offer of a Palm Zire
> ...Specifically, is it possible to transfer Address Book's
> groups to Palm?

I got the Zire to replace my big calendar/contact notebook -
printing out my weekly calendar from Personal Organizer.
iSync does work "sort of", with iCal and PO, but I gave up
on syncing for awhile
because it does NOT transfer groups/priorities/etc to the
Zire, but puts them all in "unfiled".  So for now it's a
rather klutzy routine to keep the Zire/iBook up to date,
but it's still better than what I had.

iSync also seemed to screw up my USB connections - every
time I used it, I had to restart and futz with my mouse
and printer connections to get them back to normal.

The Zire's size and battery are it's great points.


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