[P1] [OT] Best way to fly...

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Wed Dec 11 16:08:23 PST 2002

Am 11/12/02 22:16 schrieb "Rick Banuelos" unter <teasethedog at mac.com>:

> like to think of my ibook as a welcome distraction to my problem, and I
> wanted to ask everyone if there's anyone with a slightly similar
> problem who can suggest things to do on the plane with my trusty little
> computer that will take my mind off things for the 3 hours it will take
> to reach the target.
> Also (and this is what makes it OT), can anyone make a suggestion on a
> good sedative? (I don't even want to know what's going on while I'm in
> the air, asleep or awake.)


check around, you may find that one/some airlines are now offering WiFi
laptops and online time during flights to help (at a good cost I imagine). I
have heard of one airline doing this for inter EU flights as a pilot project
(I think it was Brussels Air) but this may not be reality elsewhere yet...or
if it would be to "apples airport" standards...due to freq. allocation on
board...give the airlines a call.

To the sedative, your choice but don't you think this would contribute to a
feeling of no control and panic if you were not 100 percent? Drink plenty of
water, wear warm loose clothing and walk around if possible, stretch...



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