[P1] [OT] Best way to fly...

Brian Olesky brian4 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 11 16:47:11 PST 2002

On 12/11/02 4:16 PM, "Rick Banuelos" <teasethedog at mac.com> wrote:

> I am so afraid of flying that I've been in the mindset for the past few
> months that Dec. 19 (my departure date to CA) will be my last day
> alive. ... can anyone make a suggestion on a
> good sedative? (I don't even want to know what's going on while I'm in
> the air, asleep or awake.)

About 20 years ago I had to fly from NY to London, have a quick meeting,
then fly on to Johannesburg, South Africa, where I'd have to land and face a
tough schedule on a TV shoot. Though I wasn't worried about flying, I was
worried about getting enough sleep while in the air so I could function on
the ground. I saw my doctor who gave me a prescription for, I think,
Benadryl. Or something like that. The bottom line is, I took it before
getting on the plane each time, and I think I was asleep from halfway to
take off until being awakened by the plane touching down. I don't know if
doctors still do this, but it might be the answer you're looking for.


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