Freeing drive space on iBook

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at
Fri Dec 13 18:46:41 PST 2002

Am 14/12/02 2:21 schrieb "Linda" unter <lvt at>:

> Anyhow - the important thing is to set iTunes up properly.  With the iPod
> connected press the iPod button at the bottom right.  Highlight the radio
> button that says "Manually manage songs and playlists."  That way iPod will
> not try to sync with the 'puter when you plug it in.  You can plug it into
> any mac w/ iTunes and your iPod will be seen and the music playable.
> I also use my iPod as a firewire hd.  Have 9.2.2 on it and disk warrior.
> Old pod can start up the iBook, iMac and G4 at home if necessary.


thanks, I think I will be buying one tomorrow after this confirmation! (20
GB) to free up 7 GB on iBook and do exactly what you mention above, it will
be great to also use it to have a startup disk with Norton items for
defragmentation/virus control of the iBooks disk and do repairs on the road
if need be while having all of my contacts and music with me...BTW, in the
meantime I found the following links that may be of use for you as well...

Thanks again,


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