[P1] OS and Blueberry ibook

paulatx1 at aol.com paulatx1 at aol.com
Sat Dec 14 20:51:27 PST 2002

In a message dated 12/14/2002 6:41:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, viaoddbrainstorm at mac.com writes:

> I just recently acquired Blueberry iBook, 192M ram 6G HD. 
>  Has anyone 
> installed Jaguar on such a machine?  I just installed 9.2.2.
   I have one of the first Blueberry iBooks.  I upgraded her ram by installing a 256 ram chip  and had the harddrive upgraded to 80 gig  (hey  might as well go for a large number)   and then installed  OS X.  Runs great!!!  (Not as fast as on my Ti 800...but still a nice change.  Very stable.  
                     Paula Rutledge

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