[P1] Can't read Shravan's posts

Kim Gammelg å rd kim.gammelgaard at get2net.dk
Sun Dec 15 14:30:54 PST 2002

On 15/12/02 12:43, "Richard McKay" <richard.mckay1 at virgin.net> wrote:

> Might only be affecting me but when I go to the Format menu/Character set
> the Japanese sets are "grayed" out...Indicating that until I install them I
> will not be able to select them?...As you mention that you have them
> installed this wasn't the problem for you.
> I left the jp set out on install because if I remember correctly it was over
> 100 MB! in size...Didn't think I would need it, Doh! Has anyone tried after
> initial install to get components of X on iBook (700 ice) without doing
> complete install? i.e. Additional Language Support kits only?
> TIA,
> Richard

Quite interesting. I always have automatic selected, but this somehow didn't
work for this particular problem. Only selecting Japanese(auto-select)
helped here.

You may be right, that you are not able to select the character set due to
your custom installation. You may however still be able to read the text if
you look at the source of the email.

As the Danish Dock-installation in Jaguar failed (wrong encoding of the
DockMenus.plist-file in the original install, btw ;-)), I got a little
experience in installing using the Pacifist, which is basically like the
Tome-Viewer for OS9. You can find it at versiontracker.com. It's a great
piece of shareware, but it is rather low-level, so it is not recommended for
the unexperienced user.



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