[P1] Can't read Shravan's posts

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Sun Dec 15 16:31:38 PST 2002

Am 15/12/02 22:30 schrieb "Kim Gammelgård" in part:

> Quite interesting. I always have automatic selected, but this somehow didn't
> work for this particular problem. Only selecting Japanese(auto-select)
> helped here.

Indeed, looks like MS still has some work to do...

> You may however still be able to read the text if you look at the source of
the email.

Hadn't thought of that, I'll try it with his next mail! (come on'
Shravan...give us an update on the battery situ...We all want to hear that
you managed to get it sorted? Have you renamed your new iBook "pure joy"
yet?)  ;-)
> As the Danish Dock-installation in Jaguar failed (wrong encoding of the
> DockMenus.plist-file in the original install, btw ;-)), I got a little
> experience in installing using the Pacifist. It's a great piece of shareware,
> but it is rather low-level, so it is not recommended for the unexperienced >

I still have a few issues to deal with myself (Myst3 among others) involving
plist... Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to check it out...


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