[P1] printer and System 9 on ibook

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Sun Dec 15 17:21:51 PST 2002

Am 16/12/02 0:19 schrieb "Jack Rodgers" in response to:
>> Patricia Teel who wrote:
>> I am having a hellish time trying to get my printer to work again. <snip>

Sorry to hear about the problems, hope you get it sorted quickly.

Bad time to mention it? You may want to consider a (one to one) backup once
you have everything sorted...there are tools/methods available and then you
would be able to dump from this backup no matter what happens in the future.
I cringe to think of what hell would await me if I didn't...all of the cd's,
icons, updates (my, they are all so small in size for a 56k modem...) work
docs, bookmarks and tuning...I promise both you and your iBook will dream
happy(er) thoughts if you do...

> You haven't seen any of the switcher ads saying all you have to do is
> plug in your printer, right...   :)

OK mister, just put the lpr and *cups* down on the ground real slow like and
back away from them nice and easy...Nothing to look at here folks, keep
moving... :-)

It's not perfect, yet! But they've done a good job so far integrating
printing with a *unix* system...if you have a few days, install an older
powerpc linux system and (for the average person) find out what I
mean...Apple will get it sorted...


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