[P1] Apple switcher ads, truth in advertising

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Mon Dec 16 17:21:44 PST 2002

Jack Rodgers wrote in response to the following:

>> You may all now feel free to flame me to death.

> Cigarette advertising was banned after all of those years of telling
> people how good cigarettes were for them. Hopefully sometimes soon
> alcohol ads will also be banned. Automobile ads features cars doing
> illegal things and convince and entice people to drive recklessly and
> dangerously.

and generally laid other irresistible bait...

Is marketing not simply the reflection of studies (some better some worse)
of what the "target market" *wants* to hear or see to confirm a decision
they have already made and from human instinct require a second opinion to
make them feel good about the choice? IMHO, you both seem to find different
views of describing the same thing. Are the above examples not a sad
reflection of the level of knowledge of those items? May be that I am alone
in my opinion but I believe a glass of alcohol in moderation is pleasant,
getting smashed quite something else. To each their own choice...

After making such an excellent choice (against the mainstream) of
expression...(Apple and your iBook) Can the solution really be banning a
thing? Does this not cause the paradox of mankind's hunger for knowledge
directly leading him/her to curiosity through ignorance? Education,
Education, Education...give the power to the people...they will not
disappoint you. 

A nice by-product would be more iBook users and switcher ads showing real
users, few real problems and knowing where to get help, no? ;)


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