On Monday, December 16, 2002, at 09:43 PM, B.J. Major wrote: > "The media, and users, were erroneously led to believe by Apple that > the > switchers were for real, people who wrote in telling their stories of > why > they switched to Mac. " > > That sums it up to me. > I went to the article, read it. Also read the follow-up remarks. And lots of people made the point that the article is -- what's the word? Hyperbole ! Yeah, that's it. Def: n. The act or an instance of exaggerating; exaggeration, embellishment, embroidery, boasting, inflation, bravado, magnification, overstatement. So, someone wanted to fill a column. Big Deal. There's no proof there of any kind. Unlike the Microsoft Switch campaign, where the first clue was that the woman's picture in the ad came from a professional graphics collection... Don't assume because someone got their article printed that they know what they;re talking about. I mean, really, Rush Limbaugh gets a lot of press. And he's an idiot. And, I know, a Mac user. I flush with shame every time I think of that.... Jkirk I once thought about starting a club to discuss the philosophy of Fatalism. But then I realized that even if anyone came, they'd only come to steal the folding chairs.