----- On 12/18/02 11:08 AM MDT (-0600), patrick fisher <patrick.m.fisher at wamu.net> wrote, in part: >Good point. I guess they go for the broadest appeal to drum up talk. > >The liberals were threatened with being denounced as anti-American if they >opposed >the attack on Iraq, so they are cowering in hiding, formulating some kind >of new >stump (or old stump-new talk) from which to take a stand on...something. OK, I just couldn't resist here . . . This is the kind of ridiculously over-generalized statement that makes it hard for me to listen to people like Rush for more than a minute at a time (I have very rarely done so without hearing either something I _know_ to be untrue, or hearing something that I know to be an invalid generalization). To put it plainly, the man lies or distorts things very frequently. I find that quite distasteful. I am pretty sure that he isn't stupid or uninformed, so I have concluded that he's intentionally misrepresenting things. Liberals are no more of a homogeneous group than most others, and there's a very good chance that any broad-stroke generalization made about that group is pure garbage. That doesn't stop Rush from doing so over and over again. Personally, I am amazed that people like him have a loyal audience at all. It is a sad commentary on the American public as far as I'm concerned. To bring this back close to on-topic -- I agree that it would be a mistake for Apple to advertise on that or other political shows. Best Regards, Harry Corsover ======================================= Harry Corsover, Independent Business Owner Amazing Travel * Health * Legal & Tax Benefits Get & Send Email by Voice! * Much More! <http://www.hc.cyberwize.com> <harry at corsazzi.com> * 877-507-9562 =======================================