[P1] Truth in Advertising

Harry D. Corsover harry at corsazzi.com
Wed Dec 18 22:07:32 PST 2002

----- On 12/18/02 9:42 PM MDT (-0600), Jonathan Fletcher 
<jfletch at aye.net> wrote, in part:

>As much as I think Rush is hard to stomach because of his over-blown 
>opinion of himself, I think he has a LOT more integrity than the 
>so-called "journalists" who have, hook, line and sinker, bought into the 
>MYTH of objectivity.

We must have different definitions of integrity. Distorting information, 
setting up straw men to knock down, over-generalizing to the point of 
absurdity, and ridiculing those he disagrees with don't fit my 
definition. When truth gets sacrificed in the service of a point of view, 
integrity is a casualty.

Best Regards,

Harry Corsover

    Harry Corsover, Independent Business Owner
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