FW: [X Newbies] [P1] YML shout out

Brian Fish ifish at macosx.com
Thu Dec 19 10:02:00 PST 2002

Shawn King is on a couple of these lists, he'd probably have a better chance
of getting these lists some recognition on the show than I would.  But now
that Sly and I are such close friends, maybe I'll mention it.  I guess I'd
be willing to share my 15 minutes with all of you. haha.

~patrick fisher
~Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 12:10 PM
~Did you mention the iBook list? I think this list should be famous
~for at least 15
~Jack Rodgers wrote:
~> On Thursday, December 19, 2002, at 10:20  AM, Brian Fish wrote:
~> > She said "Brian Fish" right
~> > before Jeremiah Cohick, which practically makes me a switcher.
~> You go Brian...
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