If you look at the case of the iceBook, you will see that is quite thick and very sturdy. I don't think that it is inherently less strong than the older clamshell ibooks. The fear expressed in most of the posts to this thread is only fear and not one person has offered any proof as to which is the stronger. The statements range from "I'm afraid..." to "I think..." with no evidence to back up any statement. One is welcome to have what every opinions one wants to, but one should also realize that one's opinion is not automatically absolute truth but usually just the first thought that pops into one's mind. All of the Powerbooks are quite tough and rugged. The titanium might cause one to think it is flimsy, but it is not. It is the only one of the recent Powerbooks that doesn't flex and bend if you pick it up by a corner. --- The #8 Reason we don't let kids vote: They might vote to build for children a $600 Million Dollar Publicly Funded Sports Stadium, just like the adults get. Jack Rodgers Email: jackrodgers at earthlink.net Web: www.jackrodgers.com iCal: coming soon iBlog: coming soon