[P1] sound, ouch!

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 6 07:25:58 PDT 2003

On Sunday, April 6, 2003, at 03:32  AM, Don Hinkle wrote:

> I just tried recording music from a regular tape, in a small walkman
> type play unit, t
>  Anyway, the input was scratchy and generally lousy.

Maybe that is all you can get out of a walkman, especially from user 
recorded tapes, since the output is meant to be sent to small ear 
phones. A different tape unit, and one intended for more advanced 
output, might make a difference.

Griffin makes an amplifier for under $100 that might help. Look for one 
in a store and ask if you can try it before buying.


jackrodgers at earthlink.net

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