[P1] New safari

Brian Pearce bpearce at cloud9.net
Tue Apr 15 09:41:43 PDT 2003

> Did that first thing. No change. Rats.
> Do you know if the older version is available anywhere?

Try having a look at one of the Mac news sites like <www.macnn.com> or 
<www.macminute.com>, or if all else fails, <www.versiontracker.com>. If 
the version available through Software Update was, in fact, an updater 
file (and I'm not sure that's the case), you can download the full 
(new) version through news links on one of these pages. That's what I 
did, and I had no trouble replacing the old version with the new.

BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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