[P1] New 900MHz iBook is out

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 25 17:51:36 PDT 2003

On Friday, April 25, 2003, at 07:10  PM, MarJo wrote:

> I did follow his advice and found a refurbished one.  The
> only down side is that there isn't much contrast for
> reading messages in AppleLinks andYahoo so I read them from
> another computer.

You can adjust contrast, depth, etc. in the display control panel or 
pref in X. select the largest resolution and click on the color tab.
The default setting is Color LCD, I believe, but you can try the 
others. Most everything else makes the colors more saturated.

I am selling a Canon GL2 and Minolta Dimage 7i and accessories on eBay: 

jackrodgers at earthlink.net

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