[P1] Music Store

Peter Nacken caipirina at mac.com
Tue Apr 29 10:16:15 PDT 2003

on 4/29/03 11:56 AM, Jack Rodgers at jackrodgers at earthlink.net wrote:

> Go To Macintouch.com right now and scroll down to :
>   Apple has posted a big batch of Knowledge Base articles on the new
> iTunes music system, covering these hot topics, among others:
> And click on any of the urls to see what is being shared.

Thanks Jack.

> Also, you might address your complaints to Apple where something might
> be done about them. This list cannot do anything about them.
Did I mention in any way the list should do anything about it, Jack? Someone
started sharing his thoughts about the music store and I shared mine ... In
no way did I say "Please list, make this go away" ...  But enough of that,
back to ibooks ... 

(oh, yes music store works on my ibook)

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