Help: Maxtor ext. HD went gagga !

Peter Nacken caipirina at
Sun Aug 3 00:48:46 PDT 2003

Hello people, 

One problem chases the other, I still cannot use my ISDN connection because
of that SIGHUP error (people seem to focus more on flame threads this
weekend than actual topics)

Now my 153 GB maxtor FW drive said hasta con bye bye !

I am running 10.2.6 on a 500mhz icebook, that HD is connected through FW.

It does not mount ...

Diskwarrior sees the drive and the right size, but declines doing anything
because... "trying to access drive (::3, ::4).

Disc Utilities First Aid sees the drive as well, but the only option is
offers is "verify disk"  when I do that, I get

Verify Disk "".
Volume %@ needs to be repaired.
Verify complete

But still the option for repair is greyed out, as are disk permissions ..

Pretty clueless on what to do now, but not willing to give up on 153 GB  of
data .. 

I just had DW run over it a couple of days ago and it looked very ok ..


Thanks in advance 

(and Jack, I actually would love to see that lightning pic, though yeah, it
was totally off topic :) 

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