[P1] sleep freeze

Tom R. no spam tr5374 at csc.albany.edu
Wed Aug 6 00:11:42 PDT 2003

Hmmmm, not on my 700MHz 16VRAM with OS 10.1.4 nor with
10.2.6.  I do follow the freeze-avoidance rule of not
trying any action until the menubar clock changes to the
correct time, but I can be free with the power cable.

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Larry Kollar wrote:
 . . .
> > Just a note, one reason for sleep freezes is conecting or
> > disconnecting cables (ethenet, usb, etc , not power) while
> > in sleep, so that state is different upon trying to awaken
> > than it was when going into sleep.
> I'd argue with the "not power" statement -- connecting or
> disconnecting power while the iBook is sleeping seems to
> be the most reliable way to make it sleep-freeze.

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