Worst iBook review to date?

Ruffin Bailey rufbo1 at comcast.net
Wed Aug 6 17:25:17 PDT 2003


Wow.  Hardly even a review if you ask me.  "iBook keyboards stink and G3s aren't for graphics," in the parlance of our times.

Personally I like the iBook keyboard (though the 12" Powerbook admittedly seems to have a nicer one from the 5-10 minutes I spent with one last weekend).  It's at least a huge improvement over that poor excuse for a keyboard Apple was spitting out with desktops a few years ago.

But what I'd really hoped to see in a "review" was how the 900 MHz model, with Quartz Extreme and the whole slew, does compared to, say, a 500 or 600 MHz model.  I actually forgot to check out the newer iBooks while I was in CompUSA (was running a Netbeans & iPhoto check, so to speak), and would love to hear if it's worth a few hundred bucks to trade up to the 800.  Though admittedly I think I'm going G4 if I'm staying laptop -- the 1 GHz models run great, and if the 12" ends up there in a month or two... but I digress with my crazy Apple-buying dreams.

Anyhow, a few iTunes ripping, iMovie encoding, iPhoto organizing benchmarks, perhaps even with the monitor spanning Applescript hack thrown in, would have made a better review, if you ask me!

Ah yeah, meant to ask if you can trade memory between iBook models, but I'll probably post that later if nobody makes it this far into this post -- or get off my lazy arse and check the TechSpecs...  ;^)

Ruffin Bailey

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