[P1] Retrospect Express vs. Backup

Joe Jones joham at jo-ham.com
Thu Aug 21 12:42:12 PDT 2003

Carbon Copy Cloner is really a wrapper for tools that are already 
available in Vanilla OS X, it just makes it very easy to produce 
backups without having to know about the unix underpinnings of the OS.

You need the BSD Tools (which are installed by default on OS X installs 
from the factory) since there are programs and utilities in here that 
CCC uses to work its magic.

After all the talk on this list, and the loss of my parents' PC hard 
drive a little while ago I was spurred into action and downloaded CCC. 
In less than an hour I had a mirror image of my OS X boot drive on an 
external firewire one.

Painless, quick, and it could save my life one day (well, all my data 
at least).


On Thursday, Aug 21, 2003, at 18:13 Europe/London, don hinkle wrote:

> Sorry, I was flushed with victory and spoke hastily...
> It was Carbon Copy Cloner. When I started it, it said it needed two 
> other utilities, which it then downloaded. Short little things, but 
> after I loaded each, CCC ran like a sweety-pie and I was able to do a 
> bootable firewire disk. About 10G in less than an hour.
>  The first utility was BSDToolsforCCC, which let the system take some 
> commands it otherwise couldnot. The second was psyncx2, which had some 
> other arcane power...sorry, I don't fully understand them, I just use 
> them.
> -don
> Raymond P Reedy wrote:
>> Don Hinkle wrote:
>>> Yep, count me in amongst those tens of thousands. I just backed up 
>>> my HD
>>> to a bootable firewire external HD in less than an hour, after
>>> downloading the two additional utilities that make it work so much 
>>> better.
>>> For the first time, I feel like I've made a *real* backup.
>> Using what software and what two additional utilities??
>> Ray
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> Ñdonald henry hinkle
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