[P1] No Memory Allocations In OSX?

Rebecca J. Hoffman rebecca at syracusenet.net
Sun Aug 24 08:41:01 PDT 2003

In OS X the memory allocation happens on the fly as each application 
needs it.


On Sunday, August 24, 2003, at 08:26  AM, Fred Stevens K2FRD wrote:

> I went to allocate more memory to Appleworks 6 for OSX and found there 
> is no provision to do so, at least under the "Get Info" pull-down 
> menu. I checked a couple other applications for OSX and found the same 
> thing. I can still allocate memory in Classic mode (OS 9). Is there no 
> means to do so in OSX?
> -- 
> 73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD
> http://home.stny.rr.com/k2frd/K2FRD.htm

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