9.2 vs the iPod

bob.virzi at verizon.com bob.virzi at verizon.com
Thu Aug 28 07:17:13 PDT 2003

Major bummer.  My daughter just picked up the new 3rd gen iPod, and 
it doesn't play well with my 9.2 iBook.  To add insult to injury, it 
worked fine with my son's Windows PC.  =8-0

First, I'm not sure why it doesn't work.  If you drag over MP3s they 
appear on the hard drive, but don't show up in the playlist.  Is it 
just something as simple as a missing .mp3 extension?

But this is an iBook list, so my real question is if I have to go 
ahead and upgrade my dual firewire iceBook, can I just go pick up the 
CD at compUSA and convert?  I guess I was due anyway, so I'm 
wondering what is the least painful way to switch over.

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