[P1] Power nib

Joe Jones joham at jo-ham.com
Thu Aug 28 12:52:37 PDT 2003

Here's a shot of my iBook in the nude.

In the top right you can see the DC board.

To get it to this state you need to remove the bottom case, bottom 
shield, keyboard, ram shield, airport card (if you have one), top case 
and top shield.

There are about 36 screws of various sizes and lengths involved along 
the way - I would strongly suggest noting down where each one came from 
as you take your iBook apart.

You can also remove the DC board from the chassis entirely to give you 
easier access to it.

I should really think about going into the Apple repair business. heh.


On Thursday, Aug 28, 2003, at 20:23 Europe/London, Kenny Feder wrote:

> Thanks for all of our suggestions but no luck yet on getting the 
> broken nib
> out of the power port of my iBook (past warranty and no Apple Care). I 
> can
> see the silly thing, but just can't seem to grab it with anything 
> firmly
> enough to pull it out. Now I'm trying to solve the problem from the 
> inside
> as Joe suggested. It would seem that taking the base off the ibook 
> would
> allow access to inside of the power port. Okay, I have the three 
> little torx
> screws out and unscrewed the feet. There's nothing holding the base 
> on, at
> least from the outside of the machine, but it is attached as firmly as 
> ever.
> Anyone know what else I need to do to release the bottom panel of the
> machine?
> Thanks!
> Ken
> On 8/26/03 11:09 AM, "Joe Jones" <joham at jo-ham.com> wrote:
>> The batteries on the 14" iBook have a higher capacity than their 12"
>> counterparts to make up for the larger power requirements of the
>> screen. Off the top of my head I think the 12" battery is 55W and the
>> 14" one is 65W, so not all that different.
>> The power input board is an expensive item to replace, despite its
>> relative simplicity. However, you should be able to get the nib out of
>> it by taking your iBook apart and prodding it through with a very fine
>> screwdriver or similar. You can remove the input board from the 
>> machine
>> entirely and you're far more likely to salvage it if you can work on 
>> it
>> like that.
>> I have seen them available on the web for about $80, but you have to
>> send back your broken part to get that price.
>> Joe
>> On Tuesday, Aug 26, 2003, at 15:07 Europe/London, Kenny Feder wrote:
>>> Hello everyone.
>>> The power nib has broken off inside my 14" iBook. Bummer. Certainly,
>>> I'll
>>> need to replace the power adaptor, but my big problem is that there
>>> doesn't
>>> seem to be any way to remove the nib; my luck, it broke off pretty
>>> deeply
>>> inside the power port which has, as you all probably know, a very 
>>> small
>>> diameter. I thought I came up with a clever solution; just buy an
>>> external
>>> battery charger and always use the machine on battery, but the only
>>> charger
>>> I can find (3rd party)  states that it is for the 12" (icebook) (I
>>> assume 12
>>> and 14 inch iBooks use different batteries?).
>>> What are my options? Has anyone had this same problem? I don't have
>>> AppleCare on it (shame on me). Pretty expensive, I imagine. Anyway,
>>> any help
>>> you all can provide will be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Ken Feder
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