[P1] Power nib

Pat D. Stephens patdart at cox-internet.com
Thu Aug 28 21:13:21 PDT 2003

Some are magnitized, so be choosy...

On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 10:59 PM, Tom R. no spam wrote:

> Or a very small version of that long-nosed reverse-tweezer
> tool, the one which *opens* when you squeeze the handle and
> closes when you *release* pressure ?
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Jack Rodgers wrote:
>> On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 03:23  PM, Kenny Feder wrote:
>>> Thanks for all of our suggestions but no luck yet on getting the
>>> broken nib
>>> out of the power port of my iBook (past warranty and no Apple Care). 
>>> I
>>> can
>>> see the silly thing, but just can't seem to grab it with anything
>>> firmly
>>> enough to pull it out.
>> There is a device where you press on one end like a ball point pen and
>> the other end opens up like a snakes mouth. Mechanics use these to
>> retrieve dropped screws and things. Check your hardware store for one
>> of these and see if you can find one small enough so that you might
>> grab the nib and pull.

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