[P1] Installing airport extreme card into g4 ibook

Peter Nacken caipirina at mac.com
Fri Dec 5 22:38:24 PST 2003

Well .. I think the iniatial "restart" screens were based on my incorrect
installing the airport extreme card ...

Yes .. Will try some more later ... But don;t have much time / opportunity
to exchange (traveling cross country right now before going back to fiji)


on 12/5/03 10:29 PM, PaulKurtz III at paulkurtz at mac.com wrote:

> It's possible you got a bum iBook.  I'd suggest playing with it a little, if
> that doesn't work, take it right back.  That's what Applecare is for.
> It should work out of the box.
> A friend of mine got a new Dell with a bad motherboard, so it's always a
> possibility.
> Paul
> On 12/6/03 1:16 AM, "Peter Nacken" <caipirina at mac.com> wrote:
>> Hello people ...
>> So we bought my wife today a nice g4 ibook and an airport extreme card. The
>> shop wanted 30$ for the install, but after confirming it is totally user
>> installable, we decided to do it ourselves ... I had installed several
>> non-extreme cards before .. So .. I thought it was ok ..
>> Now .. So far the new iBook experience has been a bit embarissing ...  I
>> installed the card before we powered the ibook up the first time ... But I
>> was never certain if I wedged it in enough ... I used as much force as I
>> thought would be ok before breaking anything ... I also had some trouble
>> releasing that metal wire thingie which holds the card in place ..
>> When I thought I got it, we fired up the machine and got twice the "you need
>> to restart you computer" screen ... As my face turned more red, I decide to
>> take the card out again and we fire up again and the machine works now .. We
>> go through the setup .. All ok ... We put in a DVD to check for dead pixels
>> (none seen so far, pheeew.. ) but the DVD stops after 12 seconds playtime ..
>> I try quit .. Forcequit ... The player disappears from the force quit menu,
>> but still has an activity triangle under its icon and sure enough it won't
>> let the DVD go ...
>> So .. Mainly I would like to know what experiences others had installing the
>> airport extreme card ... Does it really need a lot of force putting it in ??
>> Is there a way to put it in the wrong way ???  I mean, the writing on the
>> card should face me, right ?
>> Once my wife is sleeping I will run disk permissions and DW .. Can't do
>> these things with her hovering and asking me questions  :)
>> Thanks 
>> P

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