[P1] My Xmas stupid question

david davidwb at spymac.com
Mon Dec 8 15:32:37 PST 2003

On 12/8/03 4:17 PM, "Pamela Plowman" <pamela at theplowmans.com> wrote:

> The following link should take you to MCE Technologies Hard Drive
> upgrade service.  They say you should have the ibook back within a
> couple days. 

I can give a big thumbs up to MCE - I've dealt with them on a number of
occasions. As others have noted, a USB 2 device will work, just at USB 1
speeds. USB wasn't designed with external storage devices in mind. I have a
friend who bought one of those early iPod knockoffs and he quickly gave up
in disgust. Transferring large amounts of data via USB is slow. Not only
that but having an external drive with a portable computer just isn't a good
idea. Give serious consideration to an internal upgrade. 

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