[P1] My Xmas stupid question

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 9 04:19:19 PST 2003

Books are also quieter than any desktop Apple has sold. I had to put 
one G3 tower in the bedroom and cut a hole in the wall to run the 
keyboard wire, etc. And close the door.

On Dec 9, 2003, at 3:52 AM, Paul Bernhardt wrote:

> Indeed, a lot of folks like laptops because they are compact. If you 
> live in a small place, having a computer you can put on a shelf or in 
> a drawer can be the right answer to the question of which computer to 
> get.

Does the world record for slowness go to the SprintPCS.com site. The 
manage page downloads 202 objects and takes minutes. I gave up and 
thought about trying Verizon....

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