[P1] iTunes Help

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Mon Dec 15 10:43:29 PST 2003

Am 15/12/03 5:55 pm schrieb "Charles Pearce" unter <charlesp at ksu.edu>:


> All in all, it amounts to
> about 40-40 gigabytes. I know there is a lot of duplication among all
> these libraries and I would like to consolidate them into one library
> (I'm getting an iPod!), but I don't want to spend my life going through
> looking for the duplicates. So, here's the question: does anyone know
> of a program or AppleScript that can go through these libraries and get
> rid of the duplicates?

Several ways to do this, one may be to look at the following site for such a
script at Doug's Applescripts for iTunes at


Or try google for others, or use the command line to compare the files name
and size properties to sort this out...

> Also, is there any way that I can keep my newly
> consolidated library on a hard drive that's different from the Home
> drive?

Yep, go to the advanced tab of the preferences menu bar item in iTunes and
select browse for the spot you want it to be located.

> I've added additional internal hard drives to both my office and
> home G4s and would like to use them for storage of things like this,
> but iTunes wants to import the files to the users' Music folder.

This can be changed in preferences in iTunes as well by unchecking the box
for this item.



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