366 GRAPHITE iBOOK SE FOR SALE: 320 MB, Panther, AirPort card, software rich

Jay Boshara jboshara at mchsi.com
Wed Dec 17 15:49:58 PST 2003

I am finally ready to buy a new computer (20" iMac), so my iBook is for sale
on eBay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2773624689).
It's loaded, and in very good condition.  It's got a ton of software on it,
but I cannot give the software CDs to the buyer because then I'd have to buy
it all again.  I will ship the original OS 9 CDs along with the iBook, and
it's currently loaded with OS 10.3 (Panther), but I can't send the Panther
CDs to the buyer.  However, I will include my old OS 10.2 (Jaguar) CDs with
it.  Here's what's currently installed on it:

* MS Office X (Word, Entourage, Excel, PowerPoint)
* Acrobat 5
* Photoshop 7
* InDesign 2
* Norton AntiVirus 9
* DiskWarrior 3 (though it's a little useless without the CD)
* FileMaker Pro 6
* Quicktime Pro 6
* TechTool Pro 4 (also a somewhat useless without the CD)

If anyone's interested, bid on it at eBay or send me an email at
jboshara at mchsi.com.

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